ADF to work with police to conduct COVID compliance checks

The Australian Defence Force will join police in conducting compliance checks of people in self-isolation from tomorrow.


Police have conducted over 2300 checks on people in quarantine across the State since 6pm on Wednesday 25 March to 3pm today. Police are being supported by about 40 personnel from the Australian Defence Force, as well as personnel from the State Emergency Service and Tasmania Fire Service and these checks are ongoing.


Penalties enforced so far include:


  • A 29 year old Rocherlea man has been charged with a range of offences, including failing to comply with a direction from the Director of Public Health, after his vehicle was intercepted by police last night.


  • A group of 10 people will be proceeded against for entering a restricted area at an East Coast camp ground on the weekend.


  • A number of non compliance cases also remain under active investigation.


Police continue to conduct a number of checks of businesses and in public places across the State.


There have been very high levels of compliance and understanding of the requirements, but we continue to get reports of people flouting the requirements in some public places and it must be clear that this is not acceptable.


Those required to isolate must fully adhere to the requirement and be aware that if they blatantly disregard these directions, they will face prosecution.


Those entering Tasmania since 21 March have been given instructions at their arrival points on what they are required to do and they must adhere to that direction.


Under the Emergency Management Act, there is a penalty of up to 100 penalty units ($16,800) or imprisonment not exceeding 6 months for failing to comply with a lawful requirement or direction of an emergency management worker.