Logo: Forensic Science Service Tasmania (FSST)

FSST is accredited to national and international quality standards by NATA, an independent accreditation organisation.

FSST provides a comprehensive range of forensic biology and forensic chemistry services in Tasmania, including:

  • the examination of major crime scenes for biological evidence
  • bloodstain pattern analysis
  • the screening of evidence items for biological and physical trace evidence
  • the identification of blood, semen, human hair, and other biological material
  • DNA profiling
  • maintenance of the Tasmanian DNA database
  • toxicology analysis of alcohol and drugs in coronial, criminal and road safety cases
  • estimation of blood alcohol levels based on reported alcohol consumption
  • confirmation of illicit drugs in drivers following positive oral fluid screening tests
  • identification of illicit drugs in pills and powders
  • botanical cannabis identification
  • investigation of clandestine drug laboratories
  • analysis of glass, paint, fibres
  • detection and identification of explosives
  • identification of trace accelerants from arson cases
  • general identification of unknown chemicals and powders
  • testing of potential chemical warfare agents
  • calibration and certification of evidential breathalysers for Tasmania Police

FSST clients include police officers investigating crime, medical practitioners treating victims of sexual assault, forensic pathologists conducting post-mortems, coroners investigating the cause of death and identifying deceased persons, prosecutors in the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, fire and insurance investigators, and lawyers and barristers defending clients.

Forensic scientists give expert opinion evidence in the Supreme Court of Tasmania (during criminal trials before a jury), the Magistrates Court of Tasmania, the Coroners Court and occasionally interstate.

FSST is impartial and is operationally independent of Tasmania Police. The Director of FSST reports to the Deputy Secretary of the Department of Police, Fire and Emergency Management.

Clients seeking independent forensic examination or re-examination of evidence items should write to the Director, Forensic Science Service Tasmania, at 20 St Johns Avenue, New Town, 7008 or email FSST at FSST.Admin@fsst.tas.gov.au clearly identifying their involvement, explaining their request and the nature of the matter or case.

FSST will endeavour to facilitate forensic testing. However, for some cases it must be noted that the relevant exhibits may not be at the FSST laboratory, requiring their custodian to release them for analysis.

FSST can also help to facilitate independent analysis by other Australian forensic laboratories if needed, noting that other laboratories have a discretion regarding independent forensic analysis. Costs associated with such requests may be charged by FSST or other laboratories depending on the circumstances.

General information about forensic science in Australia can be found on the ANZPAA-NIFS website https://www.anzpaa.org.au/nifs.

Forensic Science Service Tasmania

Our reception opening hours are 08:45am to 3:00pm.