Operation Crossroads – Final Results

Tasmania Police is concerned by the numbers of drivers still flouting the laws.  

During the last 24hour period of Operation Crossroads, 90 speeding offences were detected state-wide.

“It’s staggering to believe that the common road safety messages, that we have reiterated time and time again, are still not getting through” said Inspector Beech-Jones.

“Don’t speed, Don’t drink under the influence of alcohol or drugs, pay attention to the road and other road users, Don’t drive if you don’t hold a valid licence.  These are not complex messages and yet there is still an element of the Tasmanian public who openly choose to disregard these messages. 

“Unfortunately one person lost his life on Tasmania's roads during this reporting period.  That is still one person too many,” Inspector Beech-Jones said. 

Automatic Number Plate Recognition cameras are assisting to detect unregistered or stolen vehicles and vehicles owned by unlicenced drivers with 181 licence offences being recorded state-wide during this Crossroads reporting period.  

“While registered drivers doing the wrong thing is of concern, equally so are the numbers of people who choose to drive on our roads without valid qualification to do so,” said Inspector Beech-Jones.

“The message is simple, road safety is everyone’s responsibility, accept responsibility for your actions and be safe on our roads.”

Operation Crossroads may have concluded however Tasmania Police will continue to maintain a highly visible presence on highways and arterial roads. 

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