Operation Unite – A Blitz Against Drunken Violence (2)

Tasmania Police deployed 60 officers throughout the State last night for the second night of Operation Unite: A Blitz Against Drunken Violence.

The State Coordinator of Operation Unite, Commander Richard Cowling, again praised the behaviour of people patronising the entertainment areas in Hobart, Launceston and Burnie.

“The number of people in entertainment areas were higher tonight compared to Friday, but the general standard of behaviour was still very high.” said Commander Cowling.

There were five assaults were reported to police in those entertainment precincts of the three cities.

“It is pleasing that for the second night in a row, people have been able to go out and enjoy themselves with only a small number of assaults. Six reported assaults across the entertainment precincts in two nights is a good result but an area that can still be improved.  It is the hope of Tasmania Police that this standard of behaviour continues throughout the festive season.” Commander Cowling said.

Unfortunately there were still some whose behaviour did not meet the standards of responsibility shown by others. Nine people will face prosecution for a range of offences.  Unfortunately, eight people were required to be arrested predominantly for public annoyance-type offences. Disturbingly, three people were arrested for drink-driving on streets within the Unite area of operation.

The good natured response from members of the community to police on duty during Operation Unite was appreciated by officers on duty.

Some other statistics

  • Arrests: Hobart  5, Launceston 0, Devonport 3