Police urge Melbourne Cup fans to celebrate responsibly

Police are urging people planning on enjoying Melbourne Cup festivities tomorrow to celebrate responsibly.

“Police want everyone to enjoy the festivities associated with Melbourne Cup tomorrow and urge people to drink responsibly and never drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs,” said Acting Sergeant Ann Edge.

“Melbourne Cup day is traditionally busy for police as some members of the community drink to excess which leads to anti-social behaviour and unruly and volatile situations.

“Police will be proactively patrolling entertainment precincts across the state tomorrow to ensue everyone has the opportunity to celebrate safely, and remind people that drinking in the street is illegal, and suspected underage patrons at licensed establishments will be checked for identification.

“Excess alcohol consumption can cause people to take unnecessary risks and one specific concern for police is the potential for people to drink and drive without consideration of the consequences.

“Choosing to drive while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is not only disappointing and unacceptable to police, it poses a significant risk to the safety of all on our roads.

“We’ll have mobile police patrols and booze buses across the state focusing on the Fatal Five contributing factors to serious and fatal crashes on our roads – drink and drug driving, speeding, inattention, failing to wear seatbelts and using mobile phones whilst driving.

“If you’re planning on celebrating tomorrow, please pre-arrange a safe way to get home, drink responsibly, look after your mates, and importantly, enjoy your day.”