Operation Sanction

A Tasmania Police initiative to address the issue of young people out late at night in public places has been implemented across the state.

Operation Sanction is about ensuring both the safety of young people and the community.

Under Operation Sanction, police will contact the parents or guardians of teenagers who are given “move on” orders, and inform them of the circumstances of their child’s contact with police.

Move on orders are given by police when people are located in public places behaving in a manner which could cause harm to themselves and / or the community.

Operation Sanction was trialled this year in Burnie, after a particularly large group of youth were located wondering the streets late one night in May 2009. The party they had planned to attend was cancelled, leaving them with time and opportunity to cause problems in the city and also the potential to become victims themselves.

The success of the Operation can be measured in the fact that very few of the teenagers were again found out late at night, after their parents or guardians had been contacted by police.

“Many of those we have contacted were surprised to learn their children were not where they expected them to be,” said the Commissioner of Police, Darren Hine

“This initiative aims to inform the parents or guardians of teenagers who are given ‘move on orders’ by police so the behaviour isn’t repeated. It is as much about the safety of the youth as it is about the safety of the community,” said Mr Hine.

Tasmania Police Media
(03) 6230 2296