>> Download: Charitable Collection Days application form (.pdf 126kb)

Section 49AB of the Police Offences Act 1935 requires that a person must not organise or conduct a fundraising drive without a permit if it is to be held wholly or partly on a public street.

An application must be submitted at least 4 (four) weeks prior to the event and include evidence that the organisation seeking the permit has received written approval from the Director of Consumer Affairs. Applicants must comply with the provisions of the Collections for Charities Act 2001 to solicit funds or contributions for a charitable purpose

A written application seeking a permit for the holding of a fundraising drive should be submitted on the Charitable Collection Days application form (.pdf 126kb).

Event dependent, an eight week lead time is recommended to ensure your permit is approved in a timely fashion. Please contact the relevant office should your event fall outside of this time frame.