Injured bushwalkers rescued from Overland Track

Two injured bushwalkers have been rescued from the Overland Track this morning.


The Westpac Rescue Helicopter was deployed to New Pelion Hut on the northern part of the Overland Track after receiving a call for assistance about 9am.


A man in his 50s who was part of a walking party had suffered a knee injury and couldn’t walk.


Shortly afterwards at 9.45am, police and emergency services received a call for assistance for a man, also in his 50s, who was suffering from a medical condition and was located at Windermere Hut.


Both men were rescued by the Westpac Rescue Helicopter crew around midday, and received medical attention.


“Police would like to remind bushwalkers to adequately equip themselves for all walks,” Sergeant Kriss Lawler said.


“In this instance, both bushwalkers were with a walking group and help was able to be quickly raised with a working phone.


“If you’re intending to go bushwalking, make sure you’re adequately prepared in terms of suitable food, water, clothing, shelter and a reliable means of communication (phone or EPIRB).


“Downloading an Emergency App is a useful tool to provide police with reliable co-ordinates of a person’s location.”